Brown Butter Gnocchi with Crispy Prosciutto and Sage


  • Russet potatoes >>> Idaho potatoes
  • Ricer >>> sieve


  • It required ALOT of dishes and tools i.e. a ricer, two sheet pans, 2 pans, etc.
  • It’s very buttery. But the name does say that so I guess you should know what you’re getting yourself into
  • The gnocchi didn’t brown very well for me. They stuck to the pan and just kind of tore apart.

Overall, this dish was time-consuming and labor-intensive but also, delicious. And for the fact that you end up with home-made gnocchi, it wasn’t all that much work. The dough was easy enough to bring together, although pushing potato through a sieve was annoying (I don’t have a ricer). The ingredient list is small and reasonable. And the end result was soft, slightly chewy gnocchi with salty prosciutto and crispy sage flakes. It’s definitely not a New Years resolution meal, unless your resolution is to eat more carbs and sodium. So definitely pair with a salad.


“Ricing” my potato. I thought it looked so cool!

One thought on “Brown Butter Gnocchi with Crispy Prosciutto and Sage

  1. OMG that looks delicious!! I’m a sucker for prosciutto and gnocchi. Can’t believe you made gnocchi though- you’re a goddess


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